A week ago a got my first Taylor guitar, a 614 CE. I've played guitar since I was a kid and have played various brands of guitars. Most of my adult life I've played Martins....just never really been exposed as much to Taylors. Recently I had the chance to play at 614 CE guitar and it knocked my socks off!! I've never had a guitar that played so easily!!! And the sustain and sparkly high notes are amazing. I'm about mad at myself that I never tried one years sooner!! I got stuck on Martin early on and just stayed that way (not too bad a thing really...)
I'll keep my D-18 for bluegrass but for most other things (fingerstyle included) I think it will be me and this 614...BFFs! I realize we're still in the honeymoon phase...but I can hardly put this guitar down. Dishes and laundry are piling up
Nice to meet you all, great site here!