Author Topic: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...  (Read 2651 times)


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Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« on: July 21, 2016, 07:20:32 PM »
I got back my GS Mini Hog after being without it almost two years...I had loaned/given it to a young fella who I was encouraging to take it up, but he never got into it, so as part of our deal, if he didn't play/progress he would return it. Now it's back with me and I'm loving it.

So how does this story apply to getting HD Stings?  Well, since I've gotten it back I've just really enjoyed playing the Mediums on the Mini, but now when I reach for my 514ce (hog/cedar) which is decked out with 12's, why the treble strings seem almost hard to find.  Playing the mediums on the mini, the thicker G, B and high E are just easier to find and grab and bend, etc.

Which leads me to the HD's.  Since they came out, I've been against the idea because I thought, well, my guitar is so easy to play and it sounds great, so why increase the treble string thickness and tension and maybe make it harder?  This whole mini experience has clearly changed my mind and I'm looking forward to hearing how the guitar's tone changes/increases with the medium treble strings. 

I'm actually looking forward to the potential for slightly darker trebles.  Will this happen?  How will the bass tone be effected?  What has been your experience putting HD's on pre-Powers era Taylors?
November 2013 Taylor 514ce ES2
November 2011 Taylor GS Mini Mahogany

Mr. Ed

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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 07:25:21 PM »
Haven't tried them but am looking forward to your report/feedback!


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2016, 08:18:57 PM »
I resisted for a while with my 314ce, but once I tried them I never looked back - the HDs are great!

Strumming Fool

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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 07:31:16 AM »
I use HDs  on two of my newer Taylor's, but I have determined that the others all sound better with the original Elixir lights. The HDs do well on the K24 and my engelman/maple BTO. So I  think it's a matter of tone wood preference for me.
My Taylor Grand Auditoriums:

1997 Cujo14 - old growth cedar/black walnut
2014 K24e - master grade koa
2018 Custom GA - bear claw sitka spruce/mahogany
2019 614 - torrified sitka spruce/flamed maple
2020 714 - lutz spruce/rosewood


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2016, 09:02:03 AM »
I started using them last year on my 314ce and they're great. Higher highs, lower lows, more volume. I've lost 20 pounds and lowered my cholesterol, not to mention a noticeable improvement in the bedroom. Try them--you'll be glad you did!
2013 Taylor 314ce
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1982 Martin HD-28
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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 10:56:40 AM »
Mixed bag for me so far, great on the ones Andy designed, but not sure about my 314ce. I am going to switch back soon for a comparison now that I am used to them on that. Definitely worth trying though.
2014 Koa GS Mini-e FLTD (for the wife)
2004 314ce,
2014 custom GC Coco/Euro spruce
2015 Wildwood 812ce 12 fret
2016 522ce 12 fret
2019 K24ce BE
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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 11:54:45 AM »
Higher highs, lower lows

I understand how you can get "higher highs," but it's a mystery as to how you can get "lower lows" from HD Lights when the string gauges are identical to regular Lights on the bass strings.
'21 Goodall GC - master redwood/Macassar ebony
'18 Taylor K14-BE
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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2016, 09:07:38 PM »
Thanks guys for the responses.

Ok, ran my experiment and time for my review...looks like I lost $17 but it was worth the test.

The good:

Man, having those mediums on the trebles, especially the E and B, were just what I expected...easier to grab with my left hand I loved that...also, because the bass strings were still lights, the overall tension was still very reasonable as compared to going all mediums.

The not so good:

The guitars tone changed remarkably, but not in a way that I liked.  It was almost like it became confused.  I did like how the treble strings sounded by themselves, and it's true the bass strings (due to increased tension the back of the box says) did even seem to be more prominent than on a normal set of lights, but played together the guitar lost its evenness of tone among all the strings, and that's one of the best things about this guitar, it is very smooth and very even in it's delivery across the spectrum of tone.  But with the HD's certain strings gained in prominence and volume while other did not so it seemed like a fight over who would come forward the most.  It was almost like it gave the mahogany overtones (which I don't like so much, which is why I'm not a Rosewood guy) on some of the strings and this caused the confusion.  It was much worse strummed than fingerstyle.  Upon changing back to the 12's the beautiful rich even tone returned.

But that doesn't solve my desire to play the medium trebles.  What I liked about the HD's was that the bass strings remained lights so overall tension wasn't increased so much.  If I switch the whole thing to mediums there's the issue with the nut not being quite cut for mediums as well as the fact that I would probably have to leave it tuned down a half step to make up for the increase in tension. 

I may just need to stick with my lights and enjoy the mediums on the mini. 

Have any of you switched to mediums on a grand auditorium?  What was your result/reaction?
November 2013 Taylor 514ce ES2
November 2011 Taylor GS Mini Mahogany


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2016, 09:08:08 PM »
Higher highs, lower lows

I understand how you can get "higher highs," but it's a mystery as to how you can get "lower lows" from HD Lights when the string gauges are identical to regular Lights on the bass strings.

 I believe the "science" (or marketing speak, however you like to look at it), says that by increasing the tension on the top  (by making the middle strings heavier)  it increases the bass response . It seems like it works to me, or if it doesn't work it at least makes me think it does, which would actually be  just as good.
2013 Taylor 314ce
2015 Martin D-18
1982 Martin HD-28
2004 Fender Telecaster
2010 Martin X-Series
Mid 80's Sigma DM-3


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2016, 11:51:09 AM »
The "HD" set is simply a re-gauging.  No "science" involved here, IMHO!

Elixir is simply offering the player another tonal option that biases toward the treble side (as in the case of the HD set), or toward the bass side (in the case of the med-light set).  This whole "HD" moniker is silly marketing speak IMHO, and I would even go as far as say it's insulting.  Exactly as Dennis had said: how does one get more lows by increasing the treble strings and using the exact same bass strings?  Ahhh, but stick the "HD" moniker on there and bammo, you've got tonal magic! ;)

Avoid the ad copy and one should use one's ears.  Each gauged set offers its own bias, like a tonal see-saw: you pick the one that you think sounds the best!



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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2016, 06:09:17 PM »
Hey Edward, agreed on play the strings that sound the this case the HD didn't sound better than lights on my pre-Andy Powers 2013 514ce hog/cedar.  Still wish I could run the HD's for the feel of the treble strings being mediums though.  Have you ever put mediums on a GA?  I'm considering doing so but tuning down a half step if I do so. 

One thing I'm a bit surprised I've read lots of your posts and you seem very into Taylor as a company, though in this case your feel that the idea that increasing the tension on the trebles which would tighten the top and result in warmer/deeper bass is insulting marketing speak.

Both Taylor and Elixir have prominently posted the idea.  This is from Elixir's web site:

Elixir®  HD Light Strings,
a new voice to love — for longer

Bolder, stronger high end
Fuller, warmer low end
Balanced voice across all strings
.013, .017, .025, .032, .042, .053
Developed with Taylor Guitars

I'm not gonna lie, I felt the bass was richer with the HD's on, but there's a solid chance it was psychosomatic as the marketing has already prepared me for this outcome (the whole guitar was louder, but it wasn't evenly so for me...).  The bass on the E string did "seem" to sound fuller and made what seemed to me more of a thud sound that I thought was cool. 

At any rate, I guess my question is,  I wonder if Taylor and Elixir conducted any tests that could prove this claim before they made it? (They certainly would have the resources to do so.) Don't get me wrong, I know corporations lie all the time (and I mean all the time), but Taylor (and especially Bob) doesn't strike me as someone who would go that far just to sell a product/idea...

(post edit: just realized that they did push the ES1 in all it's versions as natural sounding and I certainly don't agree with well...)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 06:13:31 PM by guitarsrsoawesome »
November 2013 Taylor 514ce ES2
November 2011 Taylor GS Mini Mahogany


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2016, 07:16:45 PM »
In addition to my suspicion about the use of HD strings in order to get a fuller bass response, I don't understand the use of these strings on pre-Andy Powers guitars, instruments that already had very (some would say TOO) prominent treble response.  Having heavier gauge treble strings will just increase that response even further, which is the last thing I want to do on my older Taylors.
'21 Goodall GC - master redwood/Macassar ebony
'18 Taylor K14-BE
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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2016, 07:31:14 PM »
In addition to my suspicion about the use of HD strings in order to get a fuller bass response, I don't understand the use of these strings on pre-Andy Powers guitars, instruments that already had very (some would say TOO) prominent treble response.  Having heavier gauge treble strings will just increase that response even further, which is the last thing I want to do on my older Taylors.

That's a good point...I thought the thicker treble strings might warm them up a little (less bright).  I think they did somewhat, but they also made them much louder.  It's clear, to your point, that the pre-Powers GA's were voiced for 12's.
November 2013 Taylor 514ce ES2
November 2011 Taylor GS Mini Mahogany


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Re: Gonna buy first set of HD strings tomorrow...
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2016, 10:39:49 PM »
...This is from Elixir's web site:

Elixir®  HD Light Strings,
a new voice to love — for longer

Bolder, stronger high end
Fuller, warmer low end
Balanced voice across all strings
.013, .017, .025, .032, .042, .053
Developed with Taylor Guitars

Hey there,
Well this is where I stand: I "reason" my way through a claim (like their claim that thicker treble strings w/o changing the bass strings could make for a "warmer" low end), then come to my own conclusion; then try it myself, maintaining as objective a stance as this human can.  I've rolled this way with all manners of gear particularly since I play lots of electric (an we electric guys are like moths to light with gear!) ...and soooo much of it has been snake oil!  So over the decades, this hack player has come to take all claims with liberal doses of salt, and ultimately must try it for myself to draw the true conclusion.  I hope that didn't sound pedantic, as I am confident many who have played for any length of time have come to similar conclusions. 

So yes, I tried the HDs, twice on two different guitars.  Lived with them for many weeks as I know strings "settle," and also that we humans have lousy tonal memories.  I kept coming to the same thought that the HDs did not make any bass tones "warmer"; just didn't!!  So I'd change back to my regular elixirs.  Then comes the confirmation: the HDs not only are not for me, I don't care for the tonal bias they offer.  BTW, one guitar was a Powers-voiced GS, and I still did not find the HDs better.

All of this lengthy verbiage to say the simplest thing: suspect all ad copy (yeah, I love the Taylor company, but that doesn't mean I always have to bat for them ;) ), and make the ultimate determination with your own ears.  And while I'm at it, I also swear by elixirs on all my acoustics ...simply the best strings for my uses, IMHO. Phwew ...hopefully that didn't bore or annoy anyone too much :)

OK, so for some string specifics, particularly since you asked about mediums on a GA.  Yup, I've tried it on a GA7e (cedar/rw, my once go-to play out guitar that I lovvved, but sold for something 'specialer').  Didn't care for the medium set but did end up loving the med-light PBs.  This became the perfect string set for this guitar, and that's how I rolled for the many years I owned her.  Fast forward to a certain RT Style-2 (which is a GC-sized body), and it came with lights.  Of course, I bought it because it sounded amazing ...but when I tried the med-light PBs on it, bam!...sounded even bigger and bolder, courtesy of the medium EAD set.  I also mentioned this set to an acquaintance who owned a Taylor GC, and sure 'nuff, he preferred this string set, as well.  It's all anecdotal, mind you, so the only "rules" that apply here are the physics of the string gauge you choose and the personal tonal preference that is uniquely yours.

BTW, on that Powers GS I own, it was far more deep and bassy than I was comfortable with, and I threw a bunch of different string sets at it (well, D'Addario and Elixir, anyway, but different gauges): fail.  Until I "thought" about it more: try the Elixir 80/20s!  I had hated 80/20s on every single Taylor I've ever played (keep in mind this was their standard set for all guitars for yeeeaaaaarrrs!) because they sounded bright and brittle.  Um, try it on the new one, you dope!  Bam!...that did it!  So now this guitar wears medium nano 80/20s and sounds big and balanced more woofy boominess!  So even on this Powers creation did the HD set "fail" for me.

OK, that was all very long!  Lots of mental meandering going on here, so I'll just quit while I'm behind ;)
