Author Topic: Good secondary to my Gibson J200? Ready - GO!  (Read 3472 times)


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Re: Good secondary to my Gibson J200? Ready - GO!
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2015, 01:55:03 AM »
Nice write up Don. Goes to show that Taylor makes something for everyone. I played only dreds in the 80's and 90's, then stopped playing all together after a hand injury. Picked up the uke 8 years ago, then picked up a GS-Mini a few years ago, to try guitar again. Struggled at first, but kept at it. Happened upon a Road Show while on vacation in Hilo, Hawaii. When the guy Wayne played a GC, I was instantly hooked. Within a month I had my 312ce. Since then, my hand has gotten better motion and I can play most guitars, but a GC has the super focused sound I love, for finger picking.
 I have a good friend that also gigs with a J200. So old that it's yellow now. I play it often. Man, what a Battleship, compared to what I'm used to. My friend finger picks 99.9% of the time, and gets the most incredibly music out of that thing. When I play it, it sounds pretty bad.
2016 322e 12 Fret
2011 312ce
2012 GS-Mini hog 
1983 Washburn D 12S
Yamaha Classical
Ukulele's out the ying yang.
2014 Larivée PO-3 Koa