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Lessons, Recordings, How Tos, Repair, Accessories => Lessons, Recordings, How Tos, Repair, Accessories => Topic started by: Captain Jim on December 24, 2013, 12:00:33 AM

Title: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 24, 2013, 12:00:33 AM
I have a different public playing situation coming up next week - a nice, upscale book store...

I am doing a book-signing there; the owners know I sing and play, and asked if I would play a few songs during the signing.  I have to say that I am more comfortable playing in public than making small talk about the book.

Most of the time when I play out, it is for an audience who is expecting music.  Adult beverages are often involved.  It is easy to get the crowd singing along and involved.  This place has been a good book seller for me... but when I go in there, I find myself speaking in hushed tones, almost like a library.   ;)

On the bright side, it is close to home; I usually use my GSmini (and lately, the Rainsong Shorty) when playing out.  I figure this will be a good place for the 814.   8) 

I get paid when I play out... not this time.  Well, I might sell more books.   ;D

My wife asked, "Are you going to just take a guitar or will you need a PA?"

The place is big inside, with high ceilings... oh, and lots of books... the sound would be pretty small without some amplification.

I don't play bars much anymore - mostly business sponsored happy hours, private parties, organized group gatherings... friendly, not rowdy.  This looks to be a very quiet situation... "Let's turn things up a notch with some Rolling Stones!!"  LOL

Anyone here ever played a book store before?

Best wishes,
Captain Jim

Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: michaelw on December 24, 2013, 09:40:28 PM
sounds like a pretty cool gig 8)

bookstores can make for some nice venues (

have fun :D
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: mgap on December 24, 2013, 09:47:30 PM
I am pretty confident that you will turn it into a good time.  Enjoy!
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: CodeBlueEMT on December 25, 2013, 01:30:38 AM
 Your unplugged 814ce should draw enough attention to the display/signing table. Whatever you decide, good luck and congratulations on the book-signing deal. 8)
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: cigarfan on December 25, 2013, 09:30:56 AM
I would play unplugged. If it is fairly quiet in the store and someone can't quite hear it curiosity just draws them closer to the signing table. ;)
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Jersey tuning on December 25, 2013, 10:17:56 AM
I would play out unplugged.  May make you seem more friendly and approachable, important at a book signing.
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: TaylorGirl on December 25, 2013, 10:31:53 AM
I would play out unplugged.  May make you seem more friendly and approachable, important at a book signing.
I agree. The book signing is the main objective, not the performance, if I understand it correctly. So, I think if it were natural and non-amplified it would fit better. Have fun!
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 25, 2013, 01:12:12 PM
Thanks for the replies, folks!  Yes, this is about the book.  Very nice owners at this book store - they have a lot of activities there, and are big community supporters.  Also, very supportive of area authors (they have been good about promoting my book).

No problem with vocal being heard unplugged (as an old rock 'n roller, I can project)... but, I do use a vocal harmonizer on parts of a lot of the songs I play.  We'll see what the owners have in mind.  Our daughter and son-in-law are here right now (my best Christmas present  :)) and they like to shop at this book store when they're here.  Too bad they have to go back to Arizona before the signing.  Timing.  I'll have the chance to visit with the store owners while the kids are shopping.

I'm looking forward to this - but, definitely a different playing out experience for me.

Merry Christmas, Taylor forum friends,
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: DennisG on December 25, 2013, 03:04:42 PM
I've never played music in a book store, but I've done a number of readings on behalf of a writers' organization.  In my view, book stores are dead spaces, designed to absorb and muffle sound the moment it leaves its source.  I'd never want to play UNamplified in a space like that.  Even if you only turn the sound up slightly, a little reverb could go a long way in that environment.
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: azslacker on December 25, 2013, 03:53:12 PM
I'd take along your little Roland. If you don't need it, tuck it under a table somewhere. A friend of mine plays some evenings at a local library. He uses a small amp and two mics. One for vocal and one for the guitar. Keeps the volume low and it sounds nice.
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Jeffrey on December 26, 2013, 09:25:38 AM
I played a two story Barnes and Noble bookstore with a full was awful.  It was for a university pep rally but I never got comfortable and felt bad for the poor folks who came in expecting a nice, quiet normal book buying experience.

Wasn't fair to the band, the venue, or the customers in my opinion.  That said, Captain, I think what you are doing makes sense and I think it'll be great.  Can you not serve wine at a book signing????
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 26, 2013, 06:47:35 PM
I played a two story Barnes and Noble bookstore with a full was awful.  It was for a university pep rally but I never got comfortable and felt bad for the poor folks who came in expecting a nice, quiet normal book buying experience.

Wasn't fair to the band, the venue, or the customers in my opinion.  That said, Captain, I think what you are doing makes sense and I think it'll be great.  Can you not serve wine at a book signing????

They will be putting out refreshments... no idea what that constitutes.  We stopped in the book store today; our daughter bought several books.  We weren't the only ones talking in hushed tones.  ;) 

I'll let you know how this turns out.  My wife said, "Maybe you'll be so busy signing and talking about books that you won't have much time to play?"

I was thinking the playing would be the fun part.   8) 

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: jivauk on December 26, 2013, 07:40:59 PM
We played in a 2-floor Borders book store way back in 2008 - it was part of an in-store music event, so PA was used. We opted for gentle finger-picking songs as we felt it more in keeping with the environment - as you can see from the video it's not exactly a hushed tones kinda place... it had plenty of bustle.

However, as it's a signing event for your book, maybe acoustic would be more friendly and intimate.

Best of luck - let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Jeffrey on December 26, 2013, 07:56:36 PM
I'm a little late to this forum so excuse me for asking...what is it that you've written?
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 27, 2013, 12:04:38 AM
I'm a little late to this forum so excuse me for asking...what is it that you've written?

The book title is "Cat On a Leash."  It is the true story of our travels with our cat, Molly.  Molly "adopted" us - she had a home in our neighborhood, but spent all her time with us.  We found out who she belonged to, and they were fine with Molly "dating" us.  A year later, we became Molly's family, officially.  She traveled with us by boat and RV.  Some people say how their pet understands commands... Molly and I had complete understanding of each other.

Yes, I have a pretty good idea of what you're thinking: crazy cat guy.  I've not had that situation with any other animal ever.

Over the years, I was a regular contributor to several photographic magazines (32 years as a professional photographer).  Writing has been a constant during my career, but didn't figure I had a book in me... until I met Molly.

It is not a kids' book.  It tells about selling our home and business (at age 52), as well as the traveling aspects.  It is not a "how to travel with your pet" book, nor a travelogue... sometimes irreverent.  Funny, sad... if you have ever thought of chucking it all and going cruising, you may appreciate the perspective.  If you like animal stories, you will enjoy the story.

I am not selling things on this forum, but since you asked, if you are interested, here is a link to our blog...

... and you will find how to order the book, either paperback or eBook.


If Josh or any of the mods feel this is blatant self-promotion, feel free to remove the links.  I am here for the guitar fellowship, not trying to self-promote.  This is an unusual situation for me (playing at a book signing), and I have appreciated the opinions and suggestions.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Jeffrey on December 27, 2013, 08:37:57 AM

Can I get that e-book on my Kindle?  Wasn't sure reading the website, looks like I would just log onto Smashwords to access it.  Also, in your travels did you ever go up the Tenn-Tom Waterway through Columbus, Mississippi?
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 27, 2013, 09:05:43 AM

Can I get that e-book on my Kindle?  Wasn't sure reading the website, looks like I would just log onto Smashwords to access it.  Also, in your travels did you ever go up the Tenn-Tom Waterway through Columbus, Mississippi?

Hi Jeffrey,

Yes, the book is available in all eBook formats from Smashwords.  Log onto their site for the download.  Also available at iBookstore, B&N... But not Amazon (distribution negotiations breakdown between Smashwords and Amazon).

We have not cruised the Tom-Tenn... Yet.   :)

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Royal Crimson on December 27, 2013, 10:45:23 AM
Best of luck. You've got lots of competition with that darn grumpy cat to deal with. ;-)
Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: Captain Jim on December 27, 2013, 01:43:51 PM
Best of luck. You've got lots of competition with that darn grumpy cat to deal with. ;-)

Internet sensation.  ;D  We tend to go for more of the sweet cat.  ;)  Although it would be nice if little Izzy (our furry girl) could take care of her human Mommy and Daddy in the style they'd like to be accustomed to.   8)  Like Grumpy Cat is doing for its owner.

The book has been out for two years.  It was a Smashwords best seller for a while, but doesn't look like it's going to make the NY Times Best Seller List any time soon.  I wrote most of the book in about a month, then sat on it for quite a while.  Our current little furry girl is perhaps the sweetest cat on the planet - my wife has been urging me to write a book about Izzy.  What can I say?  She is sweet and cute.  A great traveler.  She loves to listen to me sing and play.  I have no idea what goes through her head most of the time.  With Molly, I would pull a couple shirts out of the closet and she would say, "Go for the blue one - that looks good on you."  I don't write much about that in the book, 'cause some people already think I'm a half bubble off level.   ;)

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Playing out situation...
Post by: mgap on December 27, 2013, 06:05:32 PM
Best of luck. You've got lots of competition with that darn grumpy cat to deal with. ;-)

Internet sensation.  ;D  We tend to go for more of the sweet cat.  ;)  Although it would be nice if little Izzy (our furry girl) could take care of her human Mommy and Daddy in the style they'd like to be accustomed to.   8)  Like Grumpy Cat is doing for its owner.

The book has been out for two years.  It was a Smashwords best seller for a while, but doesn't look like it's going to make the NY Times Best Seller List any time soon.  I wrote most of the book in about a month, then sat on it for quite a while.  Our current little furry girl is perhaps the sweetest cat on the planet - my wife has been urging me to write a book about Izzy.  What can I say?  She is sweet and cute.  A great traveler.  She loves to listen to me sing and play.  I have no idea what goes through her head most of the time.  With Molly, I would pull a couple shirts out of the closet and she would say, "Go for the blue one - that looks good on you."  I don't write much about that in the book, 'cause some people already think I'm a half bubble off level.   ;)

Best wishes,

Although that might be true, I was just thinking aren't we all about a half a bubble off level.  haha ;D