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Lessons, Recordings, How Tos, Repair, Accessories => Lessons, Recordings, How Tos, Repair, Accessories => Topic started by: ebick on February 26, 2012, 06:52:47 PM

Title: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ebick on February 26, 2012, 06:52:47 PM
As I am seriously considering bringing my 814 with me on an upcoming flight, and having come to terms with the possibility that it may get gate checked and that it will be ok......I am now wondering about what could happen whilst it is out of my sight and control.  I have other HSCs that have a key.  At the very least there could have been a loop to put some kind of lock through.

Anyone wonder about this?
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: BigSkyTaylorPlayer on February 26, 2012, 06:56:27 PM
Buy one of those straps that lock with the TSA lock.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ebick on February 26, 2012, 07:03:00 PM
you mean something liek this?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=752&wrapid=tlif133030097292610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2018127769271572519&sa=X&ei=VshKT9fbMo-btwfytr3vAg&ved=0CIgBEPICMAA# (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=752&wrapid=tlif133030097292610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2018127769271572519&sa=X&ei=VshKT9fbMo-btwfytr3vAg&ved=0CIgBEPICMAA#)
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: S MS Picker on February 26, 2012, 07:05:59 PM
I carried my Martin a few times, and was able to find flights w/overheads large enough to stow it. That was about 25 yrs ago though.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: BigSkyTaylorPlayer on February 26, 2012, 07:10:44 PM
Yeah, you could put the strap around the case and run it thu' the handle then tighten it and it should not slip off.  It is a bummer - I have often wondered why the cases don't lock as well.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: Steve on February 26, 2012, 09:15:40 PM
I've checked guitars for years, in unlocked cases.

I've never, ever had a problem.

I understand being concerned, but there also comes a time when you need to accept the very real possibility that not a single bad thing is going to happen...
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: barefooter on February 26, 2012, 09:33:10 PM
I never traveled by air much at all; just a few times for work before I retired from my previosu job.  I always had a full agenda and would have had no time to play guitar when away.  So, I never gave any thought to the locks on some cases.  When I received my T5, a 2005 model the case had a lock on it.  I don't ever recall even trying the lock out to this date. 

When I got my 2010 814ce, the first thing I noticed about the case exterior was 'no' lock.  I wondered why there would be no lock, but then just attributed it to cutting cost for the manufacture.  It would be nice to have one there for peace of mind if I were ever to travel with it and not be able to have it in my immediate possession.  I guess we have to sometimes trust that those responsible for the storage on flights will do the right thing and treat "all" instruments with care and not become rock stars when no one is looking :)
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: michaelw on February 26, 2012, 09:42:27 PM
something like this should be adequate -  if something were to happen to the body
or neck, hopefully the content coverage guarantee would cover the cost of repairs (

a good bit more $, but this would likely offer the best protection,
although it'd probably have to be checked at the ticket counter (

the one & only time i took a guitar with me on a flight (barely over an hour)
was a 00 314Kce LOTF in a Taylor skb-18 case ,,, got to the luggage carousel
just in time to see the guitar case coming of the conveyor & was able to grab
it before the headstock end slammed into the 'bumper' strip on the carousel -
the guitar was ok, but it got so cold (top felt like it was 40 degrees) that the tuning
was sharp, granted the flight was in the evening but it was not cold outside (60s)

don't mean to make you worry, ebick, but, imho, better safe
than sorry ... especially with a guitar as nice as your 814ce

Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: jjrpilot-admin on February 27, 2012, 12:00:34 AM
Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that IF Taylor put locks on their cases...and you wanted to fly...if the case were locked the TSA would have to break the lock open to check it for security purposes..........?
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ebick on February 27, 2012, 12:32:11 AM
Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that IF Taylor put locks on their cases...and you wanted to fly...if the case were locked the TSA would have to break the lock open to check it for security purposes..........?
Well, the plan is to carry it on, and worst case, gate check it, so it would be past TSA at that point.  If that were impossible, then I would ask TSA to lock it after checking it.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: Justiceandmercy on February 27, 2012, 07:17:14 AM
I had a friend that just flew with a strat in a case with locks and he was worried about TSA so he left it unlocked for them... when he arrived he found the locks on his case completely broken anyway...
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ebick on February 27, 2012, 09:17:30 AM
I had a friend that just flew with a strat in a case with locks and he was worried about TSA so he left it unlocked for them... when he arrived he found the locks on his case completely broken anyway...

see now, the TSA agent that did that just has issues and would be filed under the category of "jerk" in my book.  Your friend should file a complaint.  I'm sure that's not the only inappropriate thing that person has done (or will do).

edited for language
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ctkarslake on February 27, 2012, 05:07:19 PM
Yeah, it's a brave new world now.  The more you lock things, the more they want to get into it.  I've never checked a guitar but I've heard players never locking  their cases just for this reason.

Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: Ted @ LA Guitar Sales on February 27, 2012, 05:41:14 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that IF Taylor put locks on their cases...and you wanted to fly...if the case were locked the TSA would have to break the lock open to check it for security purposes..........?

You are not wrong Josh, we are not supposed to lock our cases anymore, if we do TSA can cut the lock, and I have a very expensive suitcase with a cut latch to prove it.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: jjrpilot-admin on February 27, 2012, 06:19:02 PM
Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that IF Taylor put locks on their cases...and you wanted to fly...if the case were locked the TSA would have to break the lock open to check it for security purposes..........?

You are not wrong Josh, we are not supposed to lock our cases anymore, if we do TSA can cut the lock, and I have a very expensive suitcase with a cut latch to prove it.

Whew!  Thanks Ted...I was hoping I wasn't going crazy!
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: SMan on February 28, 2012, 09:24:48 AM
Can't remember ever using the lock on a guitar case.  Kind of like when I owned convertibles.  If someone wants in they will do so easily and the damage cost isn't worth it.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: ebick on February 28, 2012, 10:28:14 AM
Can't remember ever using the lock on a guitar case.  Kind of like when I owned convertibles.  If someone wants in they will do so easily and the damage cost isn't worth it.

I've heard that argument and I am not sure I agree.  I mean I do agree that if someone has their mind set on getting your stuff, they will.  But to use your car example....if a professional thief wants to steal your car, they will break in and hot wire it and steal it.  But that's very different than you leaving the doors unlocked and the keys accessible, thus inviting/tempting the "whim" thief.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: CodeBlueEMT on February 28, 2012, 05:06:29 PM
 I've got an older brown Taylor guitar case that has a 3 dial combination lock. I need to research the case to see if it's worth fixing up.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: michaelw on March 01, 2012, 01:25:10 AM
Can't remember ever using the lock on a guitar case.  Kind of like when I owned convertibles.  If someone wants in they will do so easily and the damage cost isn't worth it.

I've heard that argument and I am not sure I agree.  I mean I do agree that if someone has their mind set on getting your stuff, they will.  But to use your car example....if a professional thief wants to steal your car, they will break in and hot wire it and steal it.  But that's very different than you leaving the doors unlocked and the keys accessible, thus inviting/tempting the "whim" thief.
i have a friend that subscribes to the theory is that locks are to meant to keep 'honest people'
out, & for child safety, but i still use 'em (i'll dead-bolt the doors even when i'm home, out-of-habit)  -
i'm thinking that if the lock on a guitar case wasn't set, say on a older Taylor GS case, that someone
who wasn't familar with it would probably click open the lock & the other 3 latches, not notice the last
latch on the lower treble bout side, give the lid a good tug ... & tear that latch completely off anyway ::)
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: jmontgomery on March 01, 2012, 08:32:39 PM
My brown Taylor case that came with my 816 has a three digit combo lock on it. Are they not still available?
I'd just by a SKB plastic case with the TSA locks on it. I'd rather scratch it up than a nice Taylor case anyway.
Title: Re: Why no locking ability on Taylor Cases?
Post by: jalbert on March 01, 2012, 10:01:05 PM
I'm not sure about older (vaguely before the mid-90's or so), but the cases Taylor makes themselves do not come with locks. Those made for Taylor by Access (T5, GS/x16) do come with locks.