Author Topic: ES-Go with Left hand GS Mini  (Read 1118 times)


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ES-Go with Left hand GS Mini
« on: August 16, 2012, 06:58:03 PM »
Hi all...

I am new to the forum, and Taylor ownership!  Love the GS-Mini that I have, and recently added the ES-Go.  I found the install easy, but have a question/observation.  The clip inside the guitar body which the cable is supposed to run through is on the bass E side of the guitar (as stated in the manual), but the socket on the pickup is on the high E side, as the left hand guitar has the strings the other way around.  As such, the cable is not long enough to go through the clip and plug in to the socket.

Not a big deal, but it made me wonder if there is a left hand ES-Go?  Is there any issue that maybe with the bass string over the treble end of the pickup going to cause any issues?  Is there even a difference between the two ends of the pickup, or is it just a single pickup?

At the moment, I have tied a small knot in the cable, so it "floats" in the guitar body without pressure on the cable, but other than that I would need to either move the existing clip, or put another clip in.

Anyone else had any experience with this?
