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Need an Intervention

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 I've been practicing for almost 2 years, 2+ hours every day. Happy with some progress, unhappy with others.
My problem is I want to learn everything, right now and my practice schedule reflects that.

On any day, after a 15m warmup, I may work on any of the following:
- 8-10 books
- A dozen different online courses. These aren't random YouTube videos but lessons from various courses I either have paid for, or are a current subscriber.
- Practice the 10 songs I currently consider my 'set'
- Am in various stages of another dozen songs.

Today, for instance, after warmup, I have done or planned the following:
- 15 minutes on a lesson in one of the books.
- Once through my set.
- 5-10 m each on 4 different lessons.
- Replayed songs from set where I stumbled.
- 10 minutes each on 2 new songs.
- 5 m each on 5 songs I hope to play in future.

My schedule and priorities.
I am retired with plenty of time.
I have 2 hours in the morning I can devote to and focus on guitar. I can spend as much time during the rest of the day in smaller chunks as needed.

I perform my set for my wife once a week. My main priority is to improve that. I can do most or all songs very good to perfect in practice, but fumble in performance.

Second priority is to improve fingerstyle technique. Current focus is in blues and learning songs from David Hamburger.
If you've read this far, I admire your patience. When you get through rolling your eyes. I would appreciate any advice. Time and desire are not the problem, but I know I need more focus.

If you had as much time as I do to practice daily, given the above, what would your schedule look like?

Thank you very much for any input or advice. Feeling stressed and frustrated in something that should be fun and relaxing.

I admire your dedication and perseverance.  I don't think anyone can tell you what your practice routine should look like, because we all have different goals and priorities in our lives. That said, if you are stressed and frustrated, I'd suggest relaxing a bit on the structure of your practicing and allowing some deviation. Some days you may not be in the mood (I definitely  experience  this), and may choose to just skip it all together or just play songs you know and love. One thing I always do is end the session with fun stuff. I understand  the desire to keep learning and progressing, but relaxing a bit can do wonders for your state of mind. Don't know if this helps.  ???


--- Quote from: TaylorGirl on February 10, 2022, 08:37:56 AM ---One thing I always do is end the session with fun stuff. I understand  the desire to keep learning and progressing, but relaxing a bit can do wonders for your state of mind.
--- End quote ---

^^ This.  We pick up guitar to learn songs that we can play and enjoy, not just to perfect drills, scales, chord progressions, and licks.  Lighten up a bit - you're doing fine.  Even at my most dedicated, I could never have the intense focus to "practice" that long per day, even if the time had been available.  Most people can only truly concentrate for 15-20 minutes, then it is time to do something else that is more fun and easier on the brain.  We call it "play" for a reason.  For example, when I'm learning a new finger style tune, I work on the new one for maybe 20 minutes, then kick back and have fun with the other songs already in my repertoire.  That relaxes my brain and makes it all fun again, instead of work.  A side benefit is that ALL my tunes get polished up in the process.

I would expand your set list with more songs, especially in different keys.  Learn songs in all of the CAGED keys because they mostly use open first-position chords.  Many people have a tendency to settle into a favorite comfortable key (that fits their voice or because the chords are easy) and don't branch out much.  At a bluegrass jam, most songs are in G, so every guitar player there knows licks in that key.  Call something else, and they have to reach for a capo - they simply don't how to play in A.  Start with I-IV-V and commit that progression in the CAGED keys.  Then add the relative minor chord in each key (examples:  G and Em, D and Bm, etc).

Not all learning is physically fretting the strings or grabbing chord shapes.  Spend some time on transposing to different keys, analyzing chord progressions, and other things.  I have long recommended a book called "The Guitar Handbook" by Ralph Denyer.  My well-worn copy from 1984 stays near the sofa and sometimes I just pick it up and read a short chapter.  Most of my music theory knowledge has been gained this way.  It is a great book.

Thanks, this is great stuff. I've made a lot of changes, just today. And ending with a fun song is one of those changes.

Good evening and welcome to the forum.  Sounds like you and I have a few similar situations. I too have dedicated lots of time (in the last 2 years) to learning more about playing the guitar.  I’ve been taking lessons from a gentleman half my age.  I too am retired. I try to learn way too much stuff, too fast.  My instructor tells me that there is a structured learning progression.  If you try to deviate from it to where you lack the ability,  you get discouraged.  You-Tube is a GREAT tool,  but don’t get ahead of yourself....  I practice a lot.  I have problems just remembering stuff.  Can’t do much without music right in front of me for playing songs.  I’ve learned my way up and down the fretboard in several keys.
Not perfect, but I’m trying.  I do to sometimes get discouraged, But like others have said,  play songs you enjoy.  Being retired, I have tons of time to do ONE thing.  So when things get tough,  then DO the fun stuff ... for hours...  Then start all over again tomorrow.  Surely as the time slips by,  you’ll be more than pleased with how you have progressed !!


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